Sunday, February 7, 2021

High School Swim Team Update - Week of 2/8/15

Good evening everyone,

Great work last week with our Friday sprint meet and groups at various stages of taper. Our schedule information and several important reminders for sectionals are included below.

1.) Swimmers, please be sure you are meeting attendance during taper. The only exception continues to be if you or someone in your house is not feeling well with a Covid symptom. If this is the case, please stay home and send us an email to let us know. Thank you!
2.) If you need to attend practice late because of a schedule conflict, we are still able to have you run your practice during the old Green group practice session from 4:30-6:00 pm. It is important to be getting to practice each day on taper as we control the drop in yardage and intensity to get you rested and best ready to perform your fastest at sectionals.
3.) Swimmers tapering for districts, we will continue to run the full time to 5:00 pm as you are further out in your drop to yardage and intensity.
4.) Please be sure to practice the strategies for a good taper we have been talking about at practice. We want to be fully rested and ready to perform our fastest.
- Good night's sleep
- Good diet (especially pasta and vegetables Thursday/Friday)
- Avoid endless hours staring at device screens
- Avoid activities that will take a lot of energy (shoveling snow, etc.)
5.) For sectionals, all policies we have experienced at Spire continue to be in place. This includes a limit to four swimmers in a locker room at a time. Please please be sure to wear your suit to the meet. Josh from Spire has mentioned this several times that the meet cannot/will not be held for swimmers in the locker room.
6.) We have been told that because of our numbers, we will be the only sectional in the NE/all of the state to receive spectators. Ticket information sounds like it will be one per swimmer and come through Mr. Cassella using the same platform we have used previously.
7.) We will need to complete the Spire health Covid screening questionnaire to enter the facility as we have previously.
8.) The meet will take place in the shallow end of Spire's facility. Warmup/warmdown lanes will be available in the deep end and the rec pool throughout the meet.
9.) Tournament shirts/gear from sectionals, districts, and states will all be sold online this year at the link included here.
10.) We will already be working on these each day, but I am happy to work with anyone that would like additional work on their start and turns after practices.

Mon 2/8 PM - Swim practice sectional swimmers 2:45-5:00 pm.
Tue 2/9 PM - Swim practice sectional swimmers 2:45-5:00 pm.
Wed 2/10 PM - Swim practice sectional swimmers 2:45-4:45 pm.
Thu 2/11 PM - Swim practice sectional swimmers 2:45-4:45 pm.
Fri 2/12 PM - Swim practice sectional swimmers 2:45-4:30 pm.

Sat 2/13 AM - Meet at Spire against Sectionals. Buses 8:00 am. Start 10:00 am. Spectator ticket information TBA, will be one per swimmer. A livestream status is unknown at this time.

Team Handbook
Tentative Practice and Meet Schedule
Tentative Meet Schedule and Status

Have a great week, and Go Cards!